XOR problems
Many popular bit manipulation problems require to use XOR in code. In this article, I will introduce couple XOR problems and solution. XOR is represented by ^ in C language. XOR truth table is shown below.
When two bits are the same, result is 0. When two bits are different, result is 1.
- Problem1: What is the minimum bit flip to become A from B. A and B are the input of this function. Output is the minimum number of bit flip. Assume A and B are 32-bit integer. Reference: leetcode.com/problems/minimum-bit-flips-to-..
uint32_t problem1(uint32_t A, uint32_t B)
uint32_t count = 0;
//Implement logic
return count;
Based on the example above, iterate each bit position XOR result to increase the counter if XOR result is the 1. Another way is finding out number of 1s in A ^ B.
- Implementation and test
Create xor_problems ceedling project
ceedling module:create[xor_problems]
#ifndef XOR_PROBLEMS_H #define XOR_PROBLEMS_H #include <stdint.h> uint32_t problem1_1(uint32_t A, uint32_t B); uint32_t problem1_2(uint32_t A, uint32_t B); #endif // XOR_PROBLEMS_H
#include "xor_problems.h" uint32_t problem1_1(uint32_t A, uint32_t B) { uint32_t count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if((A ^ B) & 1) { count++; } A >>= 1; B >>= 1; } return count; } uint32_t problem1_2(uint32_t A, uint32_t B) { uint32_t xor_result = A ^ B; uint32_t count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if(xor_result & 1) { count++; } xor_result >>= 1; } return count; }
#include "unity.h" #include "xor_problems.h" void setUp(void) { } void tearDown(void) { } void test_xor_problems1_example(void) { uint32_t x = 10; uint32_t y = 7; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, problem1_1(x,y)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, problem1_2(x,y)); } void test_xor_problems1_example2(void) { uint32_t x = 0; uint32_t y = 0; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, problem1_1(x,y)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, problem1_2(x,y)); } void test_xor_problems1_example3(void) { uint32_t x = 10; uint32_t y = 5; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, problem1_1(x,y)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, problem1_2(x,y)); }
Run test and result
ceedling test:xor_problems
- Problem2: Every element appears twice except for one in given array. Find the single one. Assume array size is odd number. Reference: leetcode.com/problems/single-number
example#1 Input: [2, 5, 9, 9, 5] Output: 2
example#2 Input: [0] Output: 0
uint32_t problem2(uint32_t * arr, uint32_t arr_size)
uint32_t single_one = arr[0];
//Implement the logic
return single_one;
- Implementation and test
Hint: A XOR A = 0, A XOR 0 = A.
0 XOR B = B
Single one is B
Add function prototype in xor_problems.h
uint32_t problem2(uint32_t * arr, uint32_t arr_size);
Add function in xor_problems.c
uint32_t problem2(uint32_t * arr, uint32_t arr_size) { uint32_t single_one = arr[0]; for(uint32_t i = 1; i < arr_size; i++) { single_one ^= arr[i]; } return single_one; }
Add test cases in test_xor_problems.c
void test_xor_problems2_example1(void) { uint32_t arr[] = {2, 5, 9, 9, 5}; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, problem2(arr,5)); } void test_xor_problems2_example2(void) { uint32_t arr[] = {0}; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, problem2(arr,1)); }
Run test and result
ceedling test:xor_problems